HIS-72::GFP translational fusion [Expr7332]

his-72 wormbase gene report

NOTE: YouTube "thumbnails" are just an appetizer. Each genotype has several 4D movies that can be viewed interactively at full resolution.

4 Slice4D movies




7 Stereo4D movies (4 embryos)

pie-1%HIS-58%GFP+HIS-72%GFP_TDE1_prx.mov (also viewable in ®© RedCyanStereo)
pie-1%HIS-58%GFP+HIS-72%GFP_TDE1_pry.mov (also viewable in ®© RedCyanStereo)
pie-1%HIS-58%GFP+HIS-72%GFP_UDE1_prx.mov (also viewable in ®© RedCyanStereo)
pie-1%HIS-58%GFP+HIS-72%GFP_UDE1_pry.mov (also viewable in ®© RedCyanStereo)

pie-1%HIS-58%GFP+HIS-72%GFP_VDE1_pryx.mov (also viewable in ®© RedCyanStereo)

HIS-72%GFP_E2_prx.mov (also viewable in ®© RedCyanStereo)
HIS-72%GFP_E2_pry.mov (also viewable in ®© RedCyanStereo)


wmohler said...

Both markers are on integrated chromosomal arrays

Bead supported compression mounts ensure either ventral or dorsal view.

All three embryos present ventral view.

Anonymous said...

The his-72 is interesting, I wish I understood more about how it worked.

wmohler said...

HISTONE%GFP-Embryo1 movies were created using SPIM imaging and deconvolution by Yicong Wu in Hari Shroff's group. Genotype of this embryo, provided by Zhirong Bao, is BV24 [ltIs44 [pie-1p-mCherry::PH(PLC1delta1) + unc-119(+)]; zuIs178 [(his-72 1kb::HIS-72::GFP); unc-119(+)] V]
But only gfp was imaged.