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View and Navigate huge multidimensional movies
...without downloading them.
Link-In from WormBase gene pages
to CytoSHOW movies of embryonic transgene expression.
Link-Out directly from CytoSHOW image annotations
to the WormBase Anatomy Ontology,
to Google,
to Wikipedia.
Teach principles of Cell/Developmental Biology and Microscopy
via hands-on manipulation of primary data.
Explore the embryonic cell lineage via bookmarked annotations:
search and sort events (alphabetically, chronologically, or spatially).
Experience and Combine optical-sectioning, time-lapse recording, hypervolumes
...without needing access to a microscope.
Measure and Evaluate uncompressed raw imaging data
...without storing it.
Observe and Quantify cellular dynamics,
throughout the embryo.
Adjust Brightness/Contrast or Pseudocolor movies,
to optimize your visual perception.
Dissect out cells digitally,
to view/measure them clearly in isolation.
Script complex image processing/analysis algorithms,
to extract quantitative data from movies.
Fit your own imaging data
to a common space-time frame with CytoSHOW movies.
Synchronize multiple embryos in space and time
to perform WT-vs-mutant phenotype analysis,
to do virtual co-expression or co-localization experiments,
to appraise variations in cell division/morphology, protein localization, etc.
Collaborate & Publish
Output publication-quality video
to "hard-copy" your results.
Share your observations/annotations
with a single collaborator or the entire community.
Edit public annotations or web comments
to extend the community knowledge base.
Add your own private annotations
to build upon the publicly accessible data.